Hornet Control devon & Cornwall
Hornet Control devon & Cornwall
What is a hornet?

The hornet is commonly mistaken with the wasp but they are larger at 20-25mm long where the wasp is approx 14mm in length. They have brown and yellow or black and white bands at their tail (their abdomen). Hornets nests are also much larger than wasps nests.
Hornets are a big nuisance as they are much more aggressive than wasps, their ability to give a painful sting makes these insects feared by people.Nests may be found in roof spaces, wall cavities and air grates of buildings, hanging from trees as well as underground.
How do they live?
In the Spring, the queen leaves her hibernation site and seeks a site for the nest. She constructs the nest from wood pulp which is moulded into the outer shell of the nestThe eggs are laid and tended by the queen until they hatch to produce the larvae which she also feeds and tends. When fully grown, the larvae pupate and emerge as sterile workers to take over the job of building the main nest and foraging for food. Towards the end of the summer the queen lays a number of eggs which produce males and these mate with the new queens.As the weather becomes colder the nest will die out, except for the new queens, which fly away to find hibernation sites over winter. The old nests are not re-colonised the following year.
What should I do?
Adult hornets become a problem when they forage for sugary foods such as jam, fruit, etc in the late summer. The hornets that appear indoors can be treated by using a quick knockdown insecticidal aerosol spray.If the nest is in the ground, an insecticidal dust can be applied around the entrance of the nest. Care must always be taken read the instructions on the pesticide container before you buy it and if you feel professional help is required our Pest Control Officers can treat your nest. The old nests are not re-colonised the following year, so the treated nests need not be removed.Dartmoor Pest Control can perform a treatment for this infestation, Call 01822 855606 to arrange an appointment.