Insect Control Devon & Cornwall
Devon & cornwall insect control
There are many different insects that can cause problems in Homes and Commercial Buildings just by living there. These include Flies, Fleas, Wasps, Hornets, Bees, Mosquitoes, Moths, Cockroaches and Bedbugs.All Insects are dealt with in the best possible method using foam, powder or spray Pesticides depending on what pest type and where abouts they are nesting or causing annoyance. If you think you may have an insect pest problem then getting rid of it early will be more efficient and less costly than leaving it until it worsens. If you would like to arrange for someone to take a look, then please give us a call or fill out our quick form at the bottom of page

Wasps, Bees and Hornets
Wasps are generally regarded as nuisance pests or a threat to health. They are scavengers, and can worsen damage caused by other pests. They collect wood to build nests and so may damage the wooden fabric of buildings, fences and even garden furniture. Wasps are a particular nuisance at the end of the summer when workers indulge their passion for sweet materials, which can lead to contamination of foodstuffs. As well as damaging the home the wasp causes and if the victim suffers an allergic reaction, the consequences can be severe.

feed on the blood of humans and animals. It is possible for bedbugs to transmit disease, however in this country it is very rare. Instead, the main concern is the irritation caused by bedbug bites.Bedbug bites do not hurt they itch and cause discomfort and so treating them can soothe but is distressing when there are multiple bites. These multiple bites and contact with bedbugs can also lead to an itchy rash or eczema. Consult a pharmacist for advice and treatment if this occurs.
Flies and Mosquitoes

As well as being a nuisance buzzing around the home especially in large numbers flies and Mosquitoes can also cause a health risks transmitting diseases including salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera and parasitic worms. In this country, mosquitoes are less likely to spread disease than in the tropics, but the irritation caused by the bites can still be distressing particularly for children.

carry a range of serious illnesses including salmonella, dysentery, gastroenteritis and typhoid. Cockroach droppings can also cause eczema and asthma. The risk is particularly high in homes with children, the elderly or those fighting illnesses.Beyond the health risks not only are they disturbing by sight, but cockroaches produce an obnoxious odour that taints food and objects they come into contact with. Cockroaches can breed rapidly and are highly resilient. A quick response is essential to ensure a cockroach infestation does not become established or spread to neighbouring properties.

Do not cause any health risks but are a pest in homes because of the severe damage their larvae cause to clothes, fabrics, furs, leather and carpets. This damage may continue for many weeks after moth caterpillars have hatched – serious harm may have been done before numbers of flying moths are seen and so prevention of a moth problem is important.
Safety is of the utmost importance when dealing with Pest Control, so we are trained in the safe use of Rodenticides and Insecticides in accordance with MAFF and HSE Codes of Practice and Standards.We offer Pest Control treatment to Domestic, Commercial and Agricultural premises:Safety is of the utmost importance when dealing with Pest Control, so we are trained in the safe use of Rodenticides and Insecticides in accordance with MAFF and HSE Codes of Practice and Standards.We offer Pest Control treatment to Domestic, Commercial and Agricultural premises: