Mice control devon & cornwall
Mice control devon & cornwall
Mice Control
we are your mice control Experts. Specializing in proofing so no new mice can enter, experts in mouse feces Cleanup: The mice leave behind them a nasty mess of odors and feces, but there is no job to big or small for us. Pros in Identifiying and trapping the mouse or mice: Making sure those pests dont return. Masters of Proofing: Identify any entry points, seal them off, catch the mouse. We are sure to solve your mouse problems!
What is the difference between Dartmoor pest control and other pest control companies?
Dartmoor pest control has been killing mice for years. Our expertise in structural pest control comes with years of dealing with mice. Mice are difficult to deal with since they are small and quick to move around the structure. We know and have experienced a vast amount of possiblities with mice. That is why we Offer a wide range of services when coping with mice. First off, we dont simply lay out poison baits that may solve the current problem but does not prevent or solve the source of the problem. Inspection, identifiying, proofing, and decontamination are the steps we always follow when dealing with any pest problem. That is what makes us different from the rest. Instead of dealing with a routine pest control service, We know that it does not have to be that way. Every house can be mouse free for a long period of time and that is our job.
More on our Methods
Rodent management, control, and elimination begins with a thorough inspection of the structure, building, or property needing such attention. Identifying your rodent "target" is an important step in deciding what procedure in control must be taken. Our inspection consists of a meticulous overview of the entire property. mice, cunning as they are sneaky, will find their way into your home at one time or another. Preventive maintenance although very important, is far from everyone's mind. To many people the solution is off the shelf products poisons and baits. That unless administered properly can endanger non target pests, and cause more trouble than they are worth. When dealing with poisons or chemicals let the professionals handle it for best results. mice are underestimated by most people; they are insect disease, infested rodents and should be maintained under control. When left unattended they will turn your home into an insect, urine, feces, and disease breeding ground. Urine and feces infested attics can pose a great health threat to you and your family.mouse proofing a home is the first step in exclusion. To do a proper job you must go where the mouse goes, identify main and all possible entry points. This begins with theInspection. A thorough outside inspection must be performed to find all exterior entry points. Not all entries are seen from outside you must go inside attics or crawl spaces to find the most important ones. These inside entries are often missed by most non experienced technicians and some experienced ones as well.
mice Breeding
Your home has now a days become the preferred breeding ground for most rats. They breed throughout the year. Producing as many as 4 litters a year, each litter from 4 to 6 pups. Insulation in your attic makes perfect nesting quarters for mice. Urine and feces compiled in attics can pose serious health risks.
Home inspection
Our inspection consists of a meticulous overview of the entire property. Looking for every single possible entry point! Damage that mice have done to your home!All areas targeted by mice. Many untrained technicians tend to miss entry points Simply because their inspection was not thoroughly done!
Mouse Proofing
In our mouse proofing we find and seal off all access point that mice might have. Wheit be a chewed hole or a building imperfection. We will find it and repair it.To the left you see a perfect example of an entry point missed by previous companies. Cause the inspection was not thorough.
Mouse trapping & Removel
Our entire mouse proofing is preceded by the trapping of all mice sealed inside your attic, crawl space or home. And removal of them once caught.
Lloft Clean ups
Body oils pheromone scent and not to mention their disease infested urine and droppings. These are all things left behind by mice. These scents and droppings left behind by mice can attract future rodents. Clean lofts will deter future mice and save your health.
Mouse trapping and removal
Our entire mouse proofing is preceded by the trapping of all rats sealed inside your attic, crawl space or home. And removal of them once caught. Rat trapping isn't simply setting traps down. Positioning of traps is vital for a success in winning this battle. Being sure traps are set in the mouse's path and in the direction of travel. Identifying the direction of the path of travel is important and often only identifiable by a trained technician. When baiting the snap traps be sure not to contaminate bait with human scent. That might render the snap trap useless. mice are cautious when the scent of humans is near and if contaminated they might not approach it. When removing dead mice be cautious, wear appropriate intact rubber or plastic gloves. As it is well documented that mice carry many infectious diseases.
Lorft cleanups
Body oils pheromone scent and not to mention their disease infested urine and droppings are all things left behind by mice. These scents and droppings left behind by mice can attract future rodents. Clean attics will deter future mice and save your health. As you well know mice carry many infectious diseases. And further more urinate and leave droppings that are prone to develop fungus aerosolized viruses. The unsanitary conditions that rats leave may pose a threat to you and your family's health. Special care must be taken when dealing with mouse urine and feces. Gloves, respirators, and biohazard suits must be worn when handling mouse waste to prevent contamination.
Mouse proofing
In our mouse proofing we find and seal off all access point that mice might have. Whether it be a chewed hole or a building imperfection. We will find it and repair it. Although many company claims they are the best at finding and solving these problems. We know better after all we end up fixing many mistakes made by others. Understanding that mice are sneaky and great contortionist will help you find their entry points. Our years of experience have taught us never to underestimate the cunningness of the mouse. Standard rules say a mouse fits into a quarter size hole or ½ inch hole. Experience has told us rats don't care what size the hole is, after all they can always make it bigger. Standard rules are for standard companies. We are not your standard company, we go above and beyond to solve your problem.